Friday 3 October 2008

Calm down. No-one's getting flayed alive.

Long gap this time. Oops. Winter is on it's way - had frost on the cars already, but now there's snow on the Ben! Gonna be a cold winter I think if it carries on like this - GOOD! The last few winters have been wet and disappointing - can't remember the last really good snowfall (although there were a few frosts last year which left inch thick ice on the pavements. Looking forward to a real winter...

I got the train home the other week and there were some lovely girls from the North Highland College in Thurso. They do the horsecare course up there, and I'm not sure whether they live in Inverness and travel to Thurso for the week, or whether they live in Thurso but come to Inverness for the weekend, but they're a coarse lot who give the college a bad name. They all had NHC logos on their clothes and talked loudly about the course, but spent the rest of the time talking about how hungover they were and one lassie boasted about how she slept with one guy on Friday and then his brother on Saturday and neither of them knew. If you don't believe how bad they are, get the 6pm train north from Inverness on a Sunday and you too can share the experience.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting sick and tired of the whole American election farce. Do they give a damn about our elections? I'm pretty sure they don't give us or our politics three page spreads in the papers or 20 minutes on the evening news. I started off going, well at least it's not gonna be Bush for much longer, but then I sorta thought, yeah I like Obama he seems nice, now I just don't care and I'm sick of hearing about it. Why do we give them so much attention? We have no influence on what happens and the majority of people here (myself included) struggle to understand the complexities of our OWN political systems, let alone those of another country that doesn't give a damn about ours.

Medication is a funny thing. I'm on tablets at the moment which say that one of the side effects is bad depression or suicidal feelings and that they should not be prescribed to patients with a history of depression. I'm not shy, I'll admit that I've had problems with depression in the past, but my doctor knows this and still gave me the pills. I figured, "he'll know best, he wouldn't have prescribed them if it wasn't safe". Silly me.

But no, that doesn't mean that I've sunk into a big black cloud of depression again. Yes for the first couple of weeks things were bad, but they're getting better. There was a story in the paper today about an electrician in London who's been told by his work that he has to take 15 weeks unpaid leave because his doctor gave him pills to help him stop smoking which have suicidal thoughts listed as a rare side effect. If employers sent people off of work because of every rare side effect mentioned on everything people were taking, nobody would ever be at work! Numptys.

It's been a long three months. Working 7 days a week for 90ish days isn't a good idea. Leaves you very very tired. Enjoying just relaxing now though, two weeks holiday until I have to go back to full time bookselling in the middle of the month.

Might do a book-themed post soon, can't keep moaning all the time after all!